‘Santa Paws’

IMG_1272I have been saving this particular photograph right up until until Christmas Eve.

I fell in love the moment I saw this massive St Bernard dog wearing his bright red Santa hat during our recent visit up to London.

Like everybody else who saw the pair his stature and gentleness left people in awe. I quickly took a couple of shots and was then shall we say… gently encouraged by his accompanying accordion player; to drop a few coins into the Santa boot placed strategically in front of them both.

This I did of course and more than willingly. Like others present I then spent a few further enjoyable minutes listening to and admiring this heartwarming Christmas spectacle.

There were so many cameras pointing and flashing these two that it looked to all intents and purposes as if a big celebrity was being well and truly papped!

Well in a way the dog alone certainly fitted this bill…he was definitely a bit of a celeb. And boy oh boy…was he big.

Unbelievably though despite all the attention he remained completely unphased by it all. Instead he merely eyed the crowd and readily accepted the occasional pats of affection which were offered up by those brave enough to approach the gentle giant.

So I hope that this image of them both makes you feel festive and that it makes you smile? I hope that you all have a magnificent Christmas with your families and that you find time to eat drink and be merry.

Also my sincere thanks for all of you that have recently started to follow my blog and who have left me such encouraging comments.

And to all those followers who have remained loyal from me starting up my blog, I truly thank you, and want you to know that I genuinely value all of the support and advice shared throughout the year.

I shall look forward to continuing to view your blogs and to learn from all of your amazing and often outstanding photographic contributions.

Happy Christmas Eve everybody!

“Glass of Malt whisky and a mince pie you say?”

“Be rude not to eh?”

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